May God sustain and strengthen you



by Rev John Poole

We apologise and sincerely regret that due to the annual carnival in Los Gigantes,

there will be no services at Espiritu Santo church on

Thursday 13th, Thursday 20th, Sunday 16th or Sunday 23 March.

The next service to be held in Los Gigantes will be on Thursday 27th March

Lent Study Suggestions

Our Diocese has an online course to celebrae the Nicene Creed on this year's 1,700th anniversary of its life.

You can find the study by clicking on Diocese in Europe website

Rev John Poole's course 'Walking with Jesus through the Gospel of Mark' is still available on our website

Eight weekly sessions to accompany the 16 chapters of the Gospel, with questions for reflection

You can find this study here


Services & Events

We welcome all Christians to receive Communion with us.

Our priest is the Rev’d John Poole. If you would like to speak to him about a pastoral matter, or for spiritual advice or the ministry of reconciliation or healing please do not hesitate to be in touch with him, details on our contact page.

The Anglican Church of St. Francis uses three worship centres in Tenerife South:

-San Eugenio Church in Playa de las Americas on Sundays at 10.15am.

-San Blas Church in Golf del Sur on Sundays at 12 noon.

-Espiritu Santo Church in Los Gigantes on Sundays at 6pm and Thursdays at 10.30 am.

For Baptisms, Wedding Blessings, Renewal of Vows, Confirmations and Funerals, please contact Marisha Carter (Church Secretary for information)

Visit Our Blog

Read our latest blog posts and news

If you are resident or visiting north Tenerife, your nearest Anglican church is All Saints, Puerto de la Cruz.

Please go to their website for further information:

Check out beautifully picked for you hymns.

Listen to some of the hymns we will be using in our services.

Visit our Photo Gallery

On Sunday Oct 18th 2020 we saw all three of our worship centres resuming normal Eucharist services. (with hygiene measures in place) We praise God for that blessing. We are pleased that some of our Swallows have been able to return to us and hope for more to come. Our daily readings and prayers will continue to be sent out to those who have confirmed with Marisha that they still wish to receive them. We pray for you all that you will remain well and safe.

God Bless


“Heavenly Lord, you long for the world's salvation”

Stir us from apathy, restrain us from excess and revive in us new hope that all creation will one day be healed in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Dear Swallows and Travellers We'd love to Welcome You to Tenerife South

Rev'd John Poole


Marisha Carter


Elizabeth Thomas


Val Sainsbury


Gwen Furmston


At the Anglican Church of St. Francis, South Tenerife we let the SELF-GIVING LOVE OF CHRIST shape our service and sharing of the faith in generous and loving ways. Why not join us? You will be welcome!

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