St. Francis Anglican Church Safeguarding Policy
The protection of children and adults who may be vulnerable from harm is of paramount importance to us.
We will not tolerate abuse in any form. As a church within the Diocese of Europe, we comply fully with the requirements of the Diocese’s Safeguarding Policy*. We will not tolerate the abuse of children or adults in any form. Specifically, within our Church we are committed to:
*For information, you can find the detailed diocesan policy, and how it is implemented across all chaplaincies in the diocese, on Diocesan website
How do we Action Our Policy?
The information given below will help you to understand what we do – and how you can help in reporting any suspected abuse. You can find more details on these matters in our full policy statement (which includes the detailed way in which this is implemented) available from the Chaplaincy Safeguarding Officer
What do we mean by ‘Abuse’?
The groups of concern include children and young people under the age of 18 who are vulnerable because of their age and life experience and also adults who may be vulnerable for a variety of reasons including a disability, an illness or their advanced years. The nature of the abuse can include playing on people’s emotions, neglecting their needs, physical or sexual assault.
People with special responsibilities
St. Francis Church has appointed a Safeguarding Officer who is responsible for the overall coordination of safeguarding in our churches. If you have any questions or concerns about our safeguarding policy or any worries about someone being abused please speak to them in absolute confidence. •
The present Safeguarding Officer is : Jill Pargeter • Her contact details are Tel: : 0034 711036474 email:
People who work with children and adults who may be vulnerable may be required to be checked to ensure that they have no history which may make them unsuitable for that role. St. Francis Church complies with the Diocesan requirements for such checks. The Safeguarding Officer can provide more information.
Reporting suspected Abuse
Everyone has a responsibility to be vigilant to spotting incidents of abuse. If you become aware of abuse in any form (no matter how seemingly trivial) please tell the Safeguarding Officer (or the the Priest, a Warden, the Area Dean or Archdeacon) as soon as you can. If you would prefer, you can call the diocesan confidential telephone line +44 (0)207 898 1163 and leave a message as to your concerns. The Diocesan Safeguarding Team will get back to you as soon as possible. The diocese will then ensure that the concerns are properly investigated. In addition it is of course your right and duty as a citizen to inform the local law enforcement agencies where you believe a criminal offence has been committed.
Chaplaincy Domestic Abuse Statement
Chaplaincy Name St. Francis, South Tenerife. Adopted 11th November 2019.
Safeguarding Policy Statement
All forms of domestic abuse are wrong and must stop. We are committed to promoting and supporting environments which:
ensure that all people feel welcomed, respected and safe from abuse.
protect those vulnerable to domestic abuse from actual or potential harm.
recognise equality amongst people and within relationships.
enable and encourage concerns to be raised and responded to appropriately and consistently.
We recognise that:
We will endeavour to respond to domestic abuse:
In all our activities –
When concerns are raised –
In our care –
If you have any concerns or need to talk to any one please contact:
Chaplaincy Safeguarding Officer – Jill Pargeter
Tel: : 0034 711 03 6474 or email: